Aquarius Full Moon Akashic Insight

So today's Full Moon in Aquarius is a powerful, juicy one!

Here is an Akashic Insight Channeled Download that came through during the wee morning hours today.

The boxes that we fill

Think of all the boxes that we fill. That you fill. That your spirit fills, and that you pour yourself (wittingly, or unwittingly into.) Did you put yourself in that box for your own comfort, or for someone else's? Have you started to outgrow that box or are feeling boxed in, a bit suffocated as to where you are right now? Are you longing to be, do or have something else, something more yet feel "content" so this is good enough?

Are you feeling the strain by your own limiting beliefs, by your own limiting feelings, thoughts, words or actions that keep you comfortable?

What good does this do you?

What good does this do for humanity?

To keep yourself small in order to make someone else or many other people feel better; it's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Your soul is so big, so glittery, it's so expansive. Yet, you have forgotten the lessons you swore you'd remember this time. Which is to take up more space, to learn more, to fall down more, to create more, and to be your magnificent self. We're asking you to believe that you are a magnificent human being. You're here to do big, beautiful and bold things. So what are the things you want to create? What do you want to be known for? What is your legacy? And if you don't know that right now, this is ok too. But there is an inkling that you do know (we feel it too) and we want you to trust your instincts and intuition and make the small changes that add up to a big, beautiful difference.

The question might be, who could you become if you fully believed in yourself? Who could you become if you didn't have these old fears holding you down and keeping you small? How could you be the biggest, most fabulous, most favorite version of yourself? The time is now. This Moon will help you. This week is your week, so we beg you to stop dragging your feet.

What can you do to move 1% closer towards the person who you want to be? What would that person do? What would their daily schedule be like? What is the new routine? How can you start to make small changes - moving just 1% towards this bigger more favorite version of who you want to become. What would you, and could you do if you were not afraid? We are here guiding you along the way.

To review: what are the titles have we put on ourselves? What are those titles that we've outgrown? And what is your new title? Your new idea? It's so big, much much bigger and more than you can fit on paper. Feel into this. This is what we're asking. This is what your soul is here for.

With love,

The Council of Light
Cassandra's 13 Guides in the Akashic Records

Thoughts from Cass

This transmission woke me up, and shook me up little to be honest. For instance, the last ten months I've been dealing with a debilitative chronic illness, so I've been defining myself by this chronic illness. Why I can't do things. Why I'm tired. However, if I look deeper into this, what is this title limiting me to - versus - how can I live in the moment and feel expansive; however I'm feeling.

Everything is temporary, including ourselves.

This isn't saying to disregard chronic illness nor those who suffer from them. Chronic illness is real and it is debilitating for millions of people. However, what I reflect on from this Akashic Download is that it's about investigating the titles you or society has put on you, and reexamine why we tell people who we are, what we are, what we do. One title I've been using has been about having a chronic illness. But what if these are actually your superpowers? It's part ego death, and rebirth. During this full moon and mercury retrograde, we have time to reflect on these potentially limiting or societal limiting titles that we have nestled into because they are comfortable, or because that's what people expect in some way, shape or form. Or, maybe it's what we expect of ourselves.

Maybe the question is, who are we wanting to be? If we want to identify as this to make ourselves comfortable in some what? How does this serve us? And what is this costing us?

Feel free to take what resonates, and leave the rest. This second part here is my own personal reflection.

If you've been wanting to get back in touch with your soul's calling, or if you'd like more insight into your soul's path - I would be honored to offer you an Akashic Record Reading I offer 40 minute and 75 minute sessions, and you can book here. I am now also incorporating personal and business astrology into readings, and you can book a combo reading here.

As part of an Astrology certification, I'm looking to interpret birth charts for five people who think they are an Indigo. If you are curious, or think this might be you, please email me.


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